Best 8 YouTube Bodyweight Workout Channels

Best 8 YouTube Bodyweight Workout Channels

There is many YouTube channel that specifies on a bodyweight exercises.
Some of them run by professionals, some of them not.

We are here in 10exercises training Gymnastics and Calisthenics so we addictive to the bodyweight exercises.

We would like to introduce you the 10 Best YouTube Bodyweight Workout Channels.


JDCav24 is the home of ATHLEAN-X™ on YouTube! This is where you can find all the latest FREE workouts, nutrition and supplement advice to get you on your way to ripped 6 pack abs and a more muscular, athletic body in record time.

Learn from the physical therapist and strength coach Jeff Cavaliere, exactly what he does with his professional athlete and celebrity clients. You can learn how to get six pack abs, bigger biceps, more muscle definition, better legs, a bigger chest, wider back and how to improve your overall athleticism.

Subscribe to this channel now to be sure not to miss out on any of the free weekly workouts. Then, head to and get the exact same program that is being used to get the top celebs and athletes in peak shape. If you want to look like an athlete…you’ve got to train like an athlete! Now you can with the ATHLEAN-X™ workouts on YouTube!

2. Calisthenicmovement

Calisthenic Movement is a German sport organisation/ team.. aiming to inspire and motivate people. We also help people to reach their goals and equip them with the idea of a healthy lifestyle.

Calisthenic Movement was founded in the beginning of 2012 and comes from Leipzig, Germany. Calisthenic Movement want to help people all over the world by offering workshops, online personal training, personal training, group training & events.

Calisthenic Movement team consists of licensed personal trainers, sport-scientists and physical therapists.


3. Zuzka Light

Zuzka Light, well known with a channel about Fitness, Workouts, Diet Tips, and Exercise. Post fun and effective workouts every single week to help you get in the best shape of your life!

Zuzka Light dedicated the past 10 years to creating a platform for fitness and healthy lifestyle where she share the most effective ways of how to keep yourself strong, fit and healthy. She was the co-creator of BodyRock.Tv which was a huge hit on YouTube from 2008 to 2012.
In 2012 she started a website and this channel.
Zuzka Light is the author of 15 Minutes to Fit and a founder of ZGYM™ online subscription club where you can follow the daily workouts.

Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss anything and follow Zuzka Light on your favorite social media network so you can keep in touch on a daily basis!

4. FitnessFAQs

Build Muscle & Strength by Bodyweight.

Daniel Vadnal launched FitnessFAQs channel in 2010 and its currently run and managed by Daniel and Andrew.
They both live and breathe bodyweight strength training, and strive to provide high quality content to help you achieve your training goals.

Follow these guys if you want to gain an incredible strength and control.


Services include:
• Free YouTube videos
• Blog posts
• Online workout programs
• Workshops
• Online coaching


The BEST Streaming calisthenics workouts, secret techniques, programs, and step by step guided tutorials tested by thousands of people to reach their goals, with the most simplistic systematic approach to learning any calisthenics move such as the Handstand, Muscle Up, Planche, with ease.



6. Al Kavadlo

Al Kavadlo is one of the world’s leading experts in bodyweight strength training and calisthenics. The author of several books, including the Amazon bestsellers Get Strong and Street Workout, Kavadlo is also known for his appearance in the popular Convict Conditioning book series. Famous for smiling while performing some of the most difficult bodyweight exercises imaginable, Al has racked up millions of views on his YouTube channel.

As lead instructor for the Progressive Calisthenics Certification (PCC), Al brings his unique coaching style to fitness trainers and enthusiasts around the globe. Al has been featured in The New York Times, Men’s Health and The New York Post.


7. OfficialBarstarzz

Barstarzz is the organization / team credited for globalizing the Freestyle Calisthenics movement.
They teach people how to train through creative bodyweight movements, for advanced and beginner athletes.
Fall in love with the process.
The videos will be tutorials, inspiration, interviews, and pretty much what you guys want to see from the leading experts in the field.


8. Jordan Yeoh Fitness

That’s what Jordan’s Facebook info says:

“I wasn’t born with this physique… I’ve been skinny and fat, zero confidence to almost every area of my life.

My life changed dramatically when I started working out for like 5 days a week. A few years later not only I saw improvement on my health and outlook, but it helped me to persist many other negative things in life!

What I’ve learned from gym room… No pain no gain! The harder you struggle the more glorious the triumph! Yup, Life is Up and Down, but every downfall doesn’t mean is bad.
Just like working out, those pain can be really painful and annoying, but pain is the sign of weakness leaving the body, they are your strength for tomorrow! the best part? Your gains actually last much longer than your pain.

Fitness is a gift of my life. I am blessed that I am able to share my gift to everyone here in this amazing platform.”


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